Botany 2019 Hotels






Conference Hotel  - Starr Pass - Tucson 
Our room blocks are FULL!
You can make a regular reservation at the hotel through their website -availability is limited

Additional hotel options for you

Please note Botany 2019 has not vetted any of these hotels and takes no responsibility for distances, conditions, or etc.  
Transportation to Starr Pass is not provided.
This is provided simply for your convenience!  
See you in Tucson!

More than 50 flights take off every day on nine airlines flying nonstop to 21 destination airports from Tucson International Airport (TUS) with one-stop connections to more than 345 cities around the world.  Use their booking tool to determine your best itinerary.  The Starr PassHotel is 13 miles from the airport.  Several transportation options are available to get you to the hotel including.  App-based ride services.


Looking to share expenses 
Roommate matching - Botany 2019 Housing Partner Finder  

Botany 2019 does not take responsibility for assigning roommates, this site is provided as an aid to registrants in finding other participants who wish to share accommodations. This site and database are provided on an "as is" basis only to interested persons who have completed and successfully submitted this form. The location of the database, a username, and password are provided by e-mail, so the e-mail address that you designate must be a real address at which you can receive messages. An access code is provided so that you may remove your entry from the database whenever you choose to do so. (If after an entry is deleted a new partner is sought, the access code also permits reinstatement of the entry.)

Questions provided below are based on information that may be useful in making a roommate selection. Each participant submits his/her own data. Therefore, Botany 2019 can assume no responsibility for the veracity of any statements in this database. Registrants are responsible for contacting individuals on the password-protected list and for making their own arrangements. Only one roommate should make the hotel reservation. It is recommended that you make your hotel reservation early.

To be included in the database, please submit your name, e-mail address, and pertinent information on the form below. By using this form, you are acknowledging that Botany 2019 assumes no responsibility for any difficulties or consequences arising from a shared room and recommends that potential roommates be screened carefully. Also, it should be noted that data does not travel in an encoded form, so data transmitted may be available. (The security risk during data transmission is comparable to sending an email. Data is stored on a website.) The database site is password protected, but still private details about roommate preferences that one does not wish to share with other participants should not be posted here. The roommate locator service is not a secure site!


 PLEASE NOTE:  We have NOT and WILL NOT contract with any Housing Company to make your hotel reservations for you.  Conference Hotels reservation are still available.  If anyone contacts you offering to make your arrangements - Please refer them to me:

 Did you know: booking your housing at hotels outside the official Botany 2019 housing block actually hurts the conference? In order to bring our meeting to exciting conference cities, Botany 2019 is required to book a certain number of hotel rooms. The conference works incredibly hard to offer a variety of hotels at rates and services that will provide value to attendees. We vet each hotel to make sure that you arrive to experience a clean, safe property with excellent services and amenities.

Our room block at the Hotel is completely full!
Botany2019 has negotiated group rates for the conference.
Hotel Rates - $138.00++  Register Here
Special Student Rate - $108.00++  Register Here 
Must show your student ID when checking in to get this special rate